Saturday, December 12, 2015
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue Visits our Chapel
Her trip throughout the U.S. District will last through 2017 wherein we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima. Her schedule for 2015 can be found here.
May she protect and bless us!
"In 2014 the U.S. district commissioned a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima, hand carved and painted according to the vision described by Sister Lucy in her memoirs. It was blessed in August 2014 by outgoing District Superior, Father Arnaud Rostand and solemnly crowned on the departure of the route on March 25, 2015 by current District Superior Father Jurgen Wegner.
In the spirit of the past Rosary Crusades, we seek to deepen our relationship with our beloved Mother; to recall that the rosary is an indispensable means of salvation especially for our families; to foster an apostolic spirit of sacrifice whose source is the Mass and whose most common expression is found on the practice of the duties of state; to assist the Pope with our prayers, and thereby hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart."
- from the book 'Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue, Devotional Book'
- hsdad
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Dangerously Close
Prescribed by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII for the month of October after the recitation of the Rosary.
To thee, O blessed Joseph, do we have recourse in our tribulation,
and, having implored the help of thy thrice-holy Spouse, we confidently
invoke thy patronage also. By that charity wherewith thou wast united to
the immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly affection
with which thou didst embrace the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we
humbly pray, that thou wouldst look graciously upon the inheritance
which Jesus Christ hath purchased by His Blood, and assist us in our
needs by thy power and strength.
Most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ; keep far from us, most loving father, all blight of error and corruption: mercifully assist us from Heaven, most mighty defender, in this our conflict with the powers of darkness; and, even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the supreme peril of His life, so now defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; keep us one and all under thy continual protection, that we may be supported by thine example and thine assistance, may be enabled to lead a holy life, die a happy death and come at last to the possession of everlasting blessedness in Heaven. Amen.
Ad te beáte Joseph, in tribulatióne nostra confúgimus, atque, imploráto Sponsæ tuæ sanctíssimæ auxílio, patrocínium quoque tuum fidenter expóscimus. Per eam, quæsumus, quæ te cum immaculáta Vírgine Dei Genitríce coniúnxit, caritátem, perque patérnum, quo Púerum Iesum ampléxus es, amórem, súpplices deprecámur, ut ad hereditátem, quam Iesus Christus acquisívit Sánguine suo, benígnus respícias, ac necessitátibus nostris tua virtúte et ope succúrras.
Tuére, o Custos providentíssime divínæ Famíliæ, Iesu Christi sóbolem eléctam; próhibe a nobis, amantíssime Pater, omnem errórum ac corruptelárum luem; propítius nobis, sospítator noster fortíssime, in hoc cum potestáte tenebrárum certámine e cælo adésto; et sicut olim Púerum Iesum e summo eripuísti vitre discrímine, ita nunc Ecclesiam sanctam Dei ab hostílibus insídiis atque ab omni adversitáte défende: nosque síngulos perpétuo tege patrocínio, ut ad tui exémplar et ope tua suffúlti, sancte vívere, pie émori, sempiternámque in cælis beatitúdinem ássequi possímus. Amen.
Most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ; keep far from us, most loving father, all blight of error and corruption: mercifully assist us from Heaven, most mighty defender, in this our conflict with the powers of darkness; and, even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the supreme peril of His life, so now defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; keep us one and all under thy continual protection, that we may be supported by thine example and thine assistance, may be enabled to lead a holy life, die a happy death and come at last to the possession of everlasting blessedness in Heaven. Amen.
Ad te beáte Joseph, in tribulatióne nostra confúgimus, atque, imploráto Sponsæ tuæ sanctíssimæ auxílio, patrocínium quoque tuum fidenter expóscimus. Per eam, quæsumus, quæ te cum immaculáta Vírgine Dei Genitríce coniúnxit, caritátem, perque patérnum, quo Púerum Iesum ampléxus es, amórem, súpplices deprecámur, ut ad hereditátem, quam Iesus Christus acquisívit Sánguine suo, benígnus respícias, ac necessitátibus nostris tua virtúte et ope succúrras.
Tuére, o Custos providentíssime divínæ Famíliæ, Iesu Christi sóbolem eléctam; próhibe a nobis, amantíssime Pater, omnem errórum ac corruptelárum luem; propítius nobis, sospítator noster fortíssime, in hoc cum potestáte tenebrárum certámine e cælo adésto; et sicut olim Púerum Iesum e summo eripuísti vitre discrímine, ita nunc Ecclesiam sanctam Dei ab hostílibus insídiis atque ab omni adversitáte défende: nosque síngulos perpétuo tege patrocínio, ut ad tui exémplar et ope tua suffúlti, sancte vívere, pie émori, sempiternámque in cælis beatitúdinem ássequi possímus. Amen.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Brothers in the Fight
From The Remnant
"At the Catholic Identity Conference in Weirton, WV, this weekend priests from all the major traditional Catholic fraternities and priestly societies came together to encourage the faithful to keep the old Faith and be not discouraged. Here we have two diocesan priests (who offer the old Mass only), one priest of the Fraternity of St Peter, one priest of the Society of St Pius X, and one priest of the Institute of Christ the King. ..."
God bless our Holy Priests.
"At the Catholic Identity Conference in Weirton, WV, this weekend priests from all the major traditional Catholic fraternities and priestly societies came together to encourage the faithful to keep the old Faith and be not discouraged. Here we have two diocesan priests (who offer the old Mass only), one priest of the Fraternity of St Peter, one priest of the Society of St Pius X, and one priest of the Institute of Christ the King. ..."
God bless our Holy Priests.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
A Prayer for Our Times
On this feast day of St. Jerome Emilian (d. 1537), let us pray the prayer he taught to the little orphans he loved and cared for so well, a prayer most appropriate for our times:
Amen! St. Jerome Emilian, pray for us!
"Lord Jesus Christ, our loving Father, we beseech Thee, by Thine infinite goodness, raise up Christendom once more, and bring it back to that upright holiness which flourished in the apostolic age."
Amen! St. Jerome Emilian, pray for us!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
From Whence Vocations, specifically ...
Sunday, June 21, 2015
From Whence, Vocations?

Any of those titles would be
appropriate to sum up this beautiful day. But as I sit here pondering the
events of the day over in my mind, the central theme for me is certain:
vocations. A quick summary of the day, then I'll follow with my thoughts on
this important point.
Today we were among the faithful of
Saint Mary's Assumption in Saint Louis who were privileged to assist at the
First Mass of the recently ordained Reverend Father Dylan Flanery, son of Dr.
and Mrs. Randy Flanery. And what a beautiful Mass it was, with three of the
altar servers being brothers of Father Flanery and the cross-bearer his young
Following Holy Mass the faithful again
approached the communion rail and knelt to receive Father's first blessing,
kiss his consecrated hands and receive his ordination prayer cards.
Mid-afternoon many if not all of the
faithful gathered once again to celebrate Father Flanery at a lovely luncheon
Reception. Such a blessed day, I can only begin to imagine how pleased and
proud the Flanery family is to now have a priest among them. Deo gratias!
Which brings me back to the title of
my post! During the luncheon celebration there were several speakers including
our pastor Father Jackson and resident priest Father Pieroni, Father Flanery's
dad, Dr. Flanery, and finally, Father Flanery himself. Each of these speakers
in his turn brought warm sentiments, moments of laugh-out-loud humor, as well as
thought-provoking ideas surrounding vocations.
Dr. Flanery, with equal parts wit
and wisdom, told us how he believed there are three main ingredients in the
formation of a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. The first two
might be somewhat predictable: first, the family, second, solid
traditional Catholic education. The third might not be guessed, though it is of
primary importance: the Mothers of Lu prayer. The prayer and its history
follows (from
Somewhere in northern Italy is a rural area containing the town of Lu with about four thousand residents. Families with six to ten children are the rule.
In 1881, the mothers of the families of Lu began coming together on the First Sunday of each month to assist at Holy Mass and to receive Holy Communion. What the women brought about by these spiritual exercises is expressed very beautifully in the prayer which they recited together at this Mass.
O God, grant that one of my sons becomes a priest! I promise to live as a good Christian woman and will lead my children to all that is good, wherewith I hope to receive the grace to be able to give to Thee, O God, a holy priest.
So have the women of Lu prayed all these years since 1881. The prayer was short yet so powerful that a flood of priestly vocations were bestowed upon the town. In fifty years, the prayers of these mothers have won at least five hundred priestly and religious vocations from out of the relatively small village. But, remember, it was only in the town of Lu that for those fifty years, the good women were assisting together at the First Sunday Mass specifically for the intention of religious vocations!
Happy, blessed Lu!
This prayer has been said by
mothers at Saint Mary's consistently every first Sunday at the altar rail after
Holy Mass for more than a decade now. Those who have been there for all these
years say that vocations have truly blossomed since its recitation began.
One other key ingredient for the
formation of vocations was added by Father Jackson, and that is sacrifice.
Certainly this is easily seen within the three aspects mentioned by Dr.
Flanery. He and Mrs. Flanery are the parents of 10 children, they made sure
their children were educated at traditional Catholic schools in so far as they
were available, and they have been dedicated to praying for vocations.
Whence vocations? Sacrifice.
Sacrifice to be open to all the children with which God will bless your family,
sacrifice to give them a traditional Catholic education where daily they are
taught and formed as Catholics by holy priests, and dedication to prayer for
vocations. The fruits are apparent in Father Flanery, but also in his sister,
Sister Mary Bernard of the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King in Kansas City,
and a younger brother who this fall will enter the Brothers Novitiate at Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, MN. How very blessed is the dear Flanery
family! And how blessed and privileged are we, the faithful, to be able to
assist and celebrate with them.
I will conclude by keeping the
original title of this post, as it is quite appropriate! But as the other
possibilities also would work... on this Father's Day Sunday where we heard
Father Flanery's First Holy Mass,
received his First Blessing, and
attended his Reception, I wish to
say, Congratulations, Father Flanery!
And a very Happy Father's Day to you,
to all of our priestly Fathers, and indeed to all fathers!
O Lord, grant us many holy priests and religious vocations!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Musings on Holy Saturday
It is the
morning of Holy Saturday. All is quiet in the house for my husband and
the boys just left to go to church where the altar boys have practice
for this evening's Easter Vigil. They will be away for a few hours and
so I have some time to muse a bit.
are almost there! We will celebrate Our Lord's glorious Resurrection
beginning this evening at 10pm. The first Easter Mass is to be
celebrated in the morning of Easter, i.e., just after midnight, so the
sacred liturgy with all its glorious ceremony (lighting of the new fire,
the prophetical lessons from the beginning of history up to Christ's coming being
read from sacred scripture) begins at such time as provides for Holy
Mass at midnight. We are all ready!
for Easter Mass, yes. But there are still a few preparations to be made
around the house. I have my Easter candles and decorations out. I
need to put the spring tablecloths on the tables along with their center
pieces. The ham is thawing and I have a few side dishes I want to make
today. Among them is Pea Salad from The Pioneer Woman website. It looks just like a salad I used to enjoy years ago at
the hospital where I worked. I realize that "hospital salad" wouldn't be
a very appetizing description, but our hospital cafeteria was very good
and this salad was a favorite!
boys are excited to have Lent behind them (aren't we all!). They have
given up their screen time, so they look forward to having access to
MiNECRAFT more often than just on Sunday's. Normal time parameters back
in place, of course (ahem). ;) Our boys are getting older, and it is plain to
see as they have made good efforts to see their Lenten penances for what
they are supposed to be.

yesterday's Good Friday liturgy where we remember Our Lord's death and
venerate His cross was, well... I always find it difficult to come up
with the right descriptive words for such meaningful times in Church. Enjoy, celebrate, beautiful. Well, sort of, but these words seem too happy for Good Friday. Humbling, thankful, sorrowful, yes, solemn, hopeful, certainly. Suffice if to say, as a former Baptist who 20
years ago this night was received into the Catholic Church, it never
grows old. In fact I would say each year it is appreciated to a deeper
level, but it is most humbling, too. As we drove home yesterday, just
seeing the multitudes of people along the way who have likely gone about
their normal business as though there were nothing different about Good
Friday, many of them in their heart of hearts wandering through life
and wondering what it is really all about, and yet many of them not so
interested in the true answers, I am humbled yet again. For I have been
given those answers, and not only I, but all who will say yes to Our
Lord in His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Kyrie Eleison.
arriving home from the Good Friday Liturgy we always have the same
meal: homemade Lentil Soup and bread. As we sit down to dinner, again, I
know my boys are getting older, for what they once turned their noses
up at, they now love and ask for a second bowl. They even commented that
there is no penance in this pot of soup! Makes Mom feel pretty good! It
is a nice tradition that we began many years ago and we do it the same
each year. We bring the hot pot of soup to the table and Dad adds the
last ingredient, vinegar, as we remember again Our Lord's thirst on the
Cross just prior to His death.
one difference this year which we hope never to repeat was when we had
just sat down in church yesterday and I remembered I that left the pot of lentils
simmering on the stove. Oh no! So Dad had to drive all the way home,
turn it off, and come back. Man!! But better that than forgetting and
coming home a few hours later to something much much worse! And he made it back before the chanting of the Passion from the Gospel of St. John was finished.
dinner we all sat and watched "The Passion of the Christ", as we do
every Good Friday evening. And it always gets me in the same places. I
can't watch certain parts, the hearing of it being quite sufficient. But
just as those really difficult parts are finished it seems like they
are followed by a scene with Our Blessed Mother, and as in real life,
what needed comfort she always is. Her part was beautifully and
exceptionally well-portrayed I thought. She, the Mother of God, as she
watches her Son's Passion, instead of receiving comfort from others, is
herself the giver of comfort to Mary Magdalene and John, the beloved
disciple. And I love reading the subtitles when not only Our Lord, but
John too, addresses Mary simply as "Mother". So beautiful. And as Christ
from His cross gave His mother to John, so is she ours. Deo Gratias! Hail
Mary, full of grace....
so we are brought again to Holy Saturday. The boys are still at
practice, and their dad is building garden boxes for our good priests at the rectory, where in a couple of weeks he'll plant tomatoes, green
beans and cucumbers. When they get home we'll finish up preparations
here, perhaps give some haircuts and lay out the Easter clothes for
later this evening. This is the first year since having the kids that
we're not dying Easter eggs. Sniff... yet another sign my little boys are no longer little. But I'll put out the
chocolate bunnies and jelly beans after we get home from Mass tonight
and the boys are in their beds. Some traditions just stick, whether the boys
are getting older or not!
Dear readers, a Happy and Blessed Easter to you all!!
Matthew 28:6He is not here, for he is risen, as he said.
Come, and see the place where the Lord was laid.
* * *
Friday, April 3, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Laetare Dinner Theater: Lend Me a Tenor
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Emily Crouse, Brian Koehler |
Mrs. Flanery's productions are always delightful, and this year's performance of Lend Me a Tenor, a Comedy in Two Acts by Ken Ludwig, was absolutely no exception. It was quick-paced, quick-witted, well-acted, and it kept the audience in stitches from start to finish.
The story is set in a hotel room in Cleveland in 1934. Opera coordinator Henrietta Saunders, played perfectly by Miss Jane Binsfeld, and her excitable, quick-speaking and star-struck daughter Maggie (Miss Emily Crouse), along with Maggie's boyfriend Max (Mr. Brian Koehler), himself an aspiring young tenor, are all anticipating the imminent arrival of famous operatic tenor Tito Merelli (Mr. Steve Crouse), who is in town to perform the part of Othello for the Cleveland Opera.
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Donna Kallal, Steve Crouse |
The case of mistaken identity plays out with hilarity as the remaining cast members approach the real Tito, "alive" again and in full Othello costume and make-up, all referencing his brilliant performance that evening, which he clearly knows nothing about. Whether it was Miss Lucretia Payne as Diana, an up-and-coming actress begging his positive review for her acting abilities, Miss Violanta Shamija as a hotel bellhop in pursuit of his autograph, or Mrs. Donna Kallal as the over-the-top socialite Julia, who desires every available spotlight on herself, each brought their quick-witted lines with skill and ease to the laughter of the audience.
It would be impossible to single out a star of the show, for the roles were perfectly cast and all played so well. But I must say Steve Crouse was terrific as Tito, the hot-blooded Italian with the Bob Newhart delivery. Dry as a bone and hilarious all the while. And Mrs. Flanery played an equally or more hot-blooded Italian wife Maria with the perfect "out-of-my-way!" Italian accent. And you'd better get out of her way or you might catch a face-full of her disdainful spit! An incomparable pair, those two!
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Jane Binsfeld, Hilary Flanery, Donna Kallal |
What an evening! Catered by Genesis catering company, the dinner of roast beef, sides and desserts was delicious, and the company of good friends in the festive Laetare (rejoice!) atmosphere was sublime.
What better way to spend the 4th Sunday of Lent, that Laetare day, breaking the fast momentarily before settling back in for the last penitential weeks before we remember solemnly Christ's Passion! Truly it is His Liturgy in our lives. Deo Gratias!
And so now, dear readers, make certain plans for Laetare Sunday, 2016. Do not miss the Queens Players in their 15th Annual Laetare Dinner Theater weekend. Mark your calendars now, you'll be delighted that you did!
Halfway thru Lent
And we're not spent
It is Laetare Day!
Nor more repent
We make a dent
In fasting, feast away!
Together wine
Together dine
Ambrosia spread so hearty!
Then after nine
All fetes consign to
Lent...after our Cast party!!
By Long-Skirts
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Good Reading
Here is a new book I just received and can't wait to start reading: The Spiritual Life - Writings of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. From Angelus Press:
My dear brother has nearly finished it and highly recommends it as a book that will assist the reader in his earthly journey towards the sanctification of his soul and eternity in heaven. Sounds like perfect Lenten--or anytime--reading to me!
A Blessed Lent to you.

After the posthumous books of Archbishop Lefebvre, The Mass of All Time and Priestly Holiness, here is now a third volume entitled The Spiritual Life.It gathers in a single volume the words of Archbishop Lefebvre on the subject of the life of the soul. The words of the great bishop are indeed an inexhaustible wellspring of meditation proper to nourish in the faithful their union with God, to encourage them on the field of spiritual combat and to draw them higher in the practice of Christian virtues.This book is not an exhaustive treatise on spirituality, but a presentation of its fundamental aspects.
2014. One volume, 502 pages – hardbound (black cloth, gold lettering), with dust-jacket.. Arranged by Fr. Patrick Troadec, SSPX.
My dear brother has nearly finished it and highly recommends it as a book that will assist the reader in his earthly journey towards the sanctification of his soul and eternity in heaven. Sounds like perfect Lenten--or anytime--reading to me!
A Blessed Lent to you.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
The Great Graces of Lent
If you have the means or ability to
secure the 'The Liturgical Year', or at least Lent,
Volume 5 of
that work, it is well worth the time you will spend reading it. In the chapter 'Practice During Lent', Gueranger writes,
'There is one means more whereby we
are to secure to ourselves the great graces of Lent; it is the spirit of
retirement and separation from the world. Our ordinary life, such as it is
during the rest of the year, should all be made to pay tribute to the holy
season of penance; otherwise, the salutary impression produced on us by the
holy ceremony of Ash Wednesday will soon be effaced.'
A blessed Lent to you.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Tuesday of Quinquagesima Week
- from the Ambrosian liturgy
Let us gratefully use this world; go through it without making it the object of our hope; not waste upon it that love, which God alone deserves; and be ever mindful, that we are not made for this, but for another and happier world.
- from 'The Liturgical Year', Gueranger, Book #4, p. 200.
May you have a fruitful Lent.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
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